
The Love of a Family is Lifes Greatest Blessing

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sleep Walking!!

So last nite I had just got to bed and I heard ky get up I thought he was just going to the bathroom. Well he didn't I kept hearing him walk around going up and down the stairs and and down in the kitchen so I went to see what he was doing. His eyes were clsoed and he was peeing in my kitchen garbage can. I burst out laughing what in the world are you doing I said He said just going to the br. I really think he was sleep walking. Its not the first time I have caught him doing weird things in the middel of the nite. Lol I thought it was pretty funny. But I just finished his business and walked up the stairs and went rigth back to bed.


  1. hahaha i love it. Chase sleep walks all the time. He peed on a chair one time and another time he took a bite of a onion. Sleep walkers are so dumb but hilarious.
