
The Love of a Family is Lifes Greatest Blessing

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Silly Sock Day

At Addie's preschool they had a silly sock day. She got a certificate for the most colorful. We had fun looking for silly socks. She has also been so excited to wear her Halloween outfit. I bought it a while ago because if i didn't get it then it would have been gone. Anyway it has been hanging in her closet and everyday she would ask to wear it. I of course wouldn't let her. SO the nite before Oct 1st i told she could wear it the next day. And all nite she kept saying "I can't wait to wear my halloween clothes,mom i get to wear my hallowenn clothes tomorrow," I know addie. She about drove me nuts maybe some day I will learn not to tell my kids about things or clothes tell the day of. first thing that morning she ran and put it on.Anyway she looked pretty cute in it. I also like making her hair bows and flowers so I have been making a bunch lately it seems like she always loses one to a pair . Its a fun little hobby!

They were kinda big, it made her feet look like duck feet. They matched her dress well i thought


  1. SOOOO CUTE! I cant believe how much she looks like Corley in the Halloween clothes picture, when Corley was about that age.

  2. Amanda...What a Cutie! I agree with Maclee..She looks just like Corley oh my heck.. Love all those cute hair clippies..Your very Creative:)
